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PhD Program Systems Biology

The aim of this highly interdisciplinary PhD program of systems biological researchers of the University of Zurich and ETH in Zurich and Basel is to train students from various disciplines and departments including Computer Science and (Bio)Informatics, Biological Sciences, and Engineering to become future leaders in Systems Biology.

Systems Biology aims at the quantitative analysis and predictive mathematical modeling at all levels of biological organization. The PhD program “Systems Biology” provides students with the generic skills for working in this new scientific field as well as training in project-specific (biological and/or computational) aspects of their PhD work.

Life Science Zurich Graduate School


The PhD program Systems Biology is associated with the external page Life Science Zurich Graduate School. The Life Science Zurich Graduate School consists of several highly competitive PhD programs, jointly run by the ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich.  

Research Groups

Find out about the research groups that are part of the Systems Biology program.

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